10 New Reasons to Celebrate: Value DEX Announce Latest Partnerships

Today’s 4th Partnership issue, captures Value DEX as a project that has expanded its reach and forged gainful alliance. Since a week ago when our 3rd issue was released, the Value DEX team high in suiting industry standard have collaborated with 10 new Projects around the Web3 space- a fit worth celebrating.

Let’s unravel the New!

  1. Coinpays

Starting off strongly is starting with Coinpays- the smarter way to get payment.

Coinpays is a cryptocurrency platform that allows it users get payed in over 16 cryptocurrencies in any business they have.

It works just like using stripes and other payment method just that it utilizes crypto which is way more better considering decentralization.

  • Coinpays supports 8 Fiat currencies
  • Commission rate begins at 1%
  • 16+ Cryptocurrencies available
  • 24/7 support

Whats best is you can use it for any line of business- It’s a huge value provider hence the partnership with them.

  1. Majyo Treasure

Value Dex has a thing for games- groundbreaking ones. The gamefi narrative is a forever lasting ones so yes, you can’t blame us.

However, Majyo is not just any type of game; it is the first RPG Mini Game based on the TON blockchain, building on Telegram’s strong ecosystem of users— you get it now?

It’s whole strategy is to focus on leveraging on Telegram’s 800 monthly users. A good plan it has, Value DEX will be strategizing, that you can bet.

  1. SiaLabs

SiaLabs presents Siapin— Ai in your pocket.

Siapin let users quicly find the rest open-source model that can be integrated into their application. It’s quick and soo easy to use; only involve 4 steps:

  • Select use case from respository 
  • Select AI model
  • Pay Via Crypto
  • Deploy and monitor

Easy peasy.

  1. Miners Club

Miners.Club are 40,000 hardcore BTC miners in Europe with the most competitive prices for hardware and operational costs. 

The miners club of Europe operates on 5 basic mantras:

  • Experience
  • Reward
  • Security
  • Profit
  • Trust

These 5 big guns are treaured and are in abundance with Miners club.

Their team of miners have experience up to 10 years! For a new industry like the crypto world, this is not bad at all. And for trust, they are currently partnered with Binance and Bitmain; if Binance trusts them after many vetting, so do Value DEX! 

  1. Fightly

A Solana action packed multiplayer game has graced our issue today; indeed a strategic partnership with fightly.

Fightly and Value DEX has one amazing thing in common— integration! 

As long as it is good and works for the overall interest of our users, it will most likely be added. 

Fightly has featured: 

  • An NFT marketplace and 
  • Staking reward

to it’s gaming platform. On it is also leaderboard to encourage competition.

  1. Stato chain

Statochain is built for Bitcoin! 

Satochain brings DeFi to Bitcoin, unlocking over $300 billion in capital and setting the stage for activation of the Bitcoin economy. 

On Statochain, you can build powerful apps secured by Bitcoin. This not only becomes a promising project but also has an assurance of minimized censorship and trust. 

Here’s something you want to know as a Statochainer: If you contribute to their validator, you increase your chance of earning BTC.

Visit their website to begin.

  1. Conet Network

Conet describes itself as the new era of the internet— one with a new generation of transmission protocol.

Conet has a focus on reinventing the DeFi infrastructure where anyone can participate in building new pathways for connection with the same degree of importance as others participating in the network.

  1. AllDay Network

AllDay rides the wave of Web3 explosive growth; as long as it has to do with onoring top Web3 projects, catching the latest trends, and championing innovative web3.0 initiatives across diverse blockchain networks, it’s and AllDay thing.

They currently boost of these good traction:

  • 14+ network channels
  • 90+ daily content
  • 6M+ monthly impressions

Its indeed a delight to have be partners with AllDay- a real honour.

  1. Cam3lot

Camelot is a Bitcoin Later3 Depin protocol.

At the close of last year up until the whole bullrun noise, one meta that gagged up for months was the Depin meta. 

Many persons are invested in it- time and resources soaked into what will become of it. 

Here’s Camelot, a project Camelot Protocol that harnesses idle GPU power for AI model training on mobile and wearable devices within the Bitcoin ecosystem. 

There’s a lot to learn and understand from Camelot, so do.

  1. Tonsale

A premier protocol for decentralized

launchpad & token Services on the TON blockchain.”

Tonsale is that single protocol we all need to fully enjoy the TON blockchain.

It has soo many usecase, so many things can be done with it.

  • TONmint to create tokens
  • TONsale to create presales
  • TONlock to lock your money 
  • TONsocialfi for execution of campaigns
  • To drop to enhance your airdrop allocation
  • TONbot to encourage participation in TONsales
  • TONhub an opensource library that provides smart contract data.

Bless the day we found TONsales and even more blessings on the day of partnership; it’s been a huge privilege.

These 10 partnerships indeed are reasons for celebration and yes, we are celebrating at Value DEX as this strengthens our movement for creating a paradigm in DeFi were Value is welcomed and rewarded.

There is more to come from Value DEX; keep tab by being involved in our community and following us on X!

Until next time, Au revoir.

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