VALU Token Cliff and Vesting Plan Announcement

Introducing the Vesting Plan for Valu Token: Ensuring Long-Term Value and Sustainability

Valu Token, the native token of Value DEX, is designed to bring lasting value and stability to its ecosystem. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive vesting plan has been put in place to govern the release of tokens from various reserves, ensuring a steady and responsible distribution over time.

Tokenomics Overview:

  • Ecosystem Reserve: 18%
  • Community Reserve: 19%
  • Team & Advisors: 15%
  • Launchpool: 10%
  • Private Investors: 38%

Monthly Vesting Release: A monthly release of 2% of the total token allocation will be implemented across all reserves, including the ecosystem reserve, community reserve, team and advisors, launchpool, and private investors. This gradual release mechanism is aimed at fostering a sustainable and healthy token distribution model, preventing sudden influxes of tokens that could disrupt the market.

Unlocking for Strategic Allocation: It’s important to note that 5% of tokens from the ecosystem reserve and 5% from the community reserve will remain unlocked for strategic purposes such as grants, airdrops, and marketing initiatives. This strategic allocation allows for flexibility in deploying tokens for community-building activities, incentivizing participation, and fostering growth within the Valu Token ecosystem.

Cliff Plan: In addition to the monthly vesting release, a cliff plan is in place to ensure that a portion of the allocated tokens remains locked for a specified period before any release. This approach adds an extra layer of stability and commitment to the long-term success of Valu Token.

The vesting and cliff plan for Valu Token is a testament to the project’s dedication to responsible token distribution and sustainable growth. By implementing a carefully structured release mechanism and strategic unlocking for community initiatives, the Valu Token ecosystem aims to build a solid foundation for long-term value creation and widespread adoption.

As the Valu Token ecosystem continues to evolve and expand, the vesting plan will play a pivotal role in maintaining a healthy token economy, fostering trust among stakeholders, and driving the project towards its vision of creating a truly valuable decentralized exchange platform.

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